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Jidapa Chansirisarthaporn (JCCHR) is an artist born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. She loves to convey emotions and visualisation of her imagination from her own aspects into perspectives of her pop surreal dreams by whimsical creatures and vibrant of colour. How reality becomes fantasy is the essential starting point of her art.

Published on
15 April, 2024


How does creativity connect to self-expression for you?
It involves the pursuit of my own vision inside to self-discovery.and something that can shares a part of our individuality with those around like a universal language in a unique and meaningful way.

How do you define your individuality as an artist, and in what ways does this uniqueness manifest in your creations?
I love to convey my emotions and imagination from my own aspects into perspectives of my surrealism dreams. How reality becomes fantasy is the essential starting point of my artistic. The most popular source of inspiration for me is nature, animals with a sense of oriental culture combined with whimsical colors.

In your perspective, what role does creativity play in empowering individuals and communities, and how have you witnessed this power in action?
Creativity is the vision of people to express their feelings and ideas to communicate and connect with other people in their own ways and perspectives. Imagine new possibilities and solutions that can bring value to things and society with a meaningful impact.

Have you faced any challenges in maintaining your individuality in your work, especially in the face of trends or external expectations? How did you overcome them?
I feel so lucky and appreciate to have an opportunity to work with people who respect my artistic style and always give me the freedom to create work for them. They always told me to be bold as the way I am. and I really appreciate that.

What advice would you give to emerging artists who are trying to find and express their individuality through their work?
Believe in yourself and what are you do. That will be bring you into the right way.


What’s the one thing you want to accomplish this year?
Create more fun and stunning projects.

Where can we see more of your work?

You can find more of my work on Instagram @jcchr or if you can check out my website.

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